brand activation

We'll go beyond the line to make your brand break through the clutter, deliver superior consumer experience and ultimately sales.

Our Guiding Principles


Through disruptive visibility solutions or superior engagement tactics. We kick in with limitless curiosity, strategic spirit, and operational agility to spice up brand promises, go through the noise and open authentic dialogues with consumers.


People are at the core of our business. Lean operational processes, technology and logistic infrastructure not to mention the ability to work with large amount of data made us reliable, fast, and tuned to the field pulse. Experience along with our business readiness allow us co-pilot with our clients in the goal setting process and ultimately in the design of the sales momentum. 

Effective brand promotion requires a creative approach and innovative solutions. Field star specializes in brand activation by offering innovative strategies that go beyond the usual. The company helps create memorable campaigns that strengthen the bond between the brand and its audience. Careful selection of tools is important not only in marketing, but also in other areas. For example, the use of modern payment methods is becoming relevant in online casinos. A convenient overview of new payment solutions on such a platform is available for players from Switzerland. This resource provides useful information about secure and fast ways to conduct transactions. Innovations and reliable solutions help to achieve success in any field. Fieldstar develops strategies that make brands vibrant and visible, and the use of proven online casino payment methods ensures comfort and safety when playing.


Shopper Marketing
Experiential Marketing
Extended Sales Force
Promotion Logistics

Let the Numbers Speak


Brands in Action

0 +
Consumer hits
0 K+


0 M Eur

In the news

Fieldstar se alătură P3 Logistics Parks

Fieldstar se alătură comunității P3 Logistic Parks și va ocupa împreună cu cu Interdecor o suprafață de 6000mp în sediul de la km 13 pe autostrada A1.

BTL-ul nu moare și nu se predă

BTL-iștii buni fac lucrurile să se întâmple. Sunt cei mereu capabili să rezolve lucrurile atunci când Neașteptatul întâlnește Improbabilul și ambii dau cu capul de Imposibil.